Sunday, August 23, 2009

Life. Gone pretty good. Yesterday my volleyball team had a car wash. I am soo sunburned now. Especially on the back to my legs. I have to bend my knees to walk lol.
But other than that, my life has been pretty nice and easy. Volleyball is going good. I'm a starter! :) I believe as of right now I'm playing back right side. I thought it was outside and middle in the front but idk. My coach keeps changing it. Our first scrimmage isn't for like another 3 weeks I think so I have to time to move around I think.
Friday night kara, Mel and i camped out in the back yard in our tent. It was ehh. I still had fun. I fell asleep really fast. I was hoping to stay up for when it rained. Yes, it did rain. Lol. Ohh well.
Ok, now i need to go to church.. bye bye! :)

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